When you have been living away from home for some time then find yourself having to return for some reason, it can be particularly difficult when your parent makes it hard for you. So here are some tips that might help you:
Firstly have a careful discussion with your parents about your need to return. Try and give some estimate of how long you want to stay.
Remember that this is their home so you will need to follow some house rules. Think about what you can offer by way of helping out. Let them know that you are prepared to manage for yourself.
Expect that there will be tensions and problems, as there are in all families. With a difficult parent this is more likely to be the case. Your parent is unlikely to have changed in your absence even though you probably have. So try and stay calm and work out ways to rise above these.
Remember that they will be older and may benefit from more help for you. On the other hand they may resent your presence and make it hard. You might also find yourself being overwhelmed with unwanted attention, criticism or control, so think about how you will manage this. Make sure that you have time and space away from your family to unwind. Lean on your friends to share some of your frustrations where possible.