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Confidence tips for International Women's Day

Be yourself.  You don’t have to look same as the people you know or agree with what they say.   Be who you want to be even if people tease you and try to make you feel embarrassed.  Standing up for who you are will help you feel stronger and able to make decisions without worrying what other people think.  The more comfortable you feel about yourself the stronger you are likely to be.

Find a role model.  This can be a member of your family, a teacher, a neighbour, celebrity, sports person or anyone you admire.  Work out what you like about them and if they are well known, read their story.  Many successful people have had difficult backgrounds, health issues or some form of set-back.  It can help your confidence to learn how they coped. 

Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help.  If you don’t understand something or are doing something for the first time, asking for help is better than going ahead and doing something wrong.  This applies to both work and personal life.  Most people are keen to share their experience.  Approaching them to find our what you need to know will help build your confidence.

Find something you really care about. This can be a sport, dancing, drawing, following fashion or even developing an interest in politics.  It will give you something to talk about and provide a  basis for friendship.  Being keen on something helps you feel positive and your passion could even turn into job and career.

Be involved.  Being interested in the world will help expand your horizons.  Talking to people who are unlike your friends can introduce you to different ways of life, including values food and people.  It's worth stepping out of your comfort zone.  Feeling comfortable in an unusual setting will help build your confidence and face new challenges with enthusiasm rather than fear.  

 Don’t let setbacks get the better of you. Life doesn’t always  go smoothly and everyone makes mistakes and faces  disappointment.   Think of your mistakes as a learning opportunity.  Then put them behind you.  Overcoming an obstacle will make you stronger and more focused.  Every time the negative voice in your head tells you you’ve failed make sure you bring out your positive voice to tell you it will all be alright. 

These tips are based on the women who shape our world today from Edwina Dunn, Founder of The Female Lead.